📅Planned Updates

We plan to make Raider Inu the go-to Raid Leader in the entire crypto market and to achieve that, we have many planned updates to improve the functionality, scalability and reliability of our bot.

However, we are prioritising the following updates first;

  1. Making the bot fully automatic [UPDATE COMPLETED]:

    The team is planning on adding a feature that allows the AI to track certain influencers and respond to their tweets quickly and effectively. This will allow the bot to run independently and engage with influencers on social media platforms like Twitter, increasing the project's visibility and engagement.

  2. Allowing customisable raid settings [UPDATE COMPLETED]:

    The team is planning on allowing users to customize certain aspects of the raid, such as which influencers to track, giving the bot information about the project, setting up cashtags and hashtags of their own project and making it so it can run at certain times of the day depending on the project needs. This will give users more control over the bot and allow them to tailor it to their specific needs.

  3. Advanced targeting [UPDATE COMPLETED]:

    The team is planning on developing advanced targeting capabilities for the bot, such as location-based targeting or interest-based targeting, to increase the chances of reaching the project's target audience. This will make the bot more efficient and increase the chances of reaching the right audience.

  4. Exploring other social media platform options:

    The team is planning on expanding the bot's capabilities to include other social media platforms such as Instagram or Facebook to increase the reach and engagement of the projects. This will increase the bot's reach and allow it to engage with a wider audience.

  5. UI/UX improvements:

    The team is planning on working on several UI/UX improvements to make the bot more user-friendly and easier to set up without the team's help. This will make the bot more accessible and user-friendly, which can increase its adoption.

Last updated